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Hot School Meals

We are thrilled to say that from September 2015 the school began serving wonderful meals, cooked on site, from the brand new kitchen we have built following a successful grant from the Department For Education. Our kitchen was inspected by Environmental Health in March 2017 and was given a 5 star rating.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that children who have a hot, nutritionally balanced meal at lunchtime learn and behave better in the afternoon. The school prefers children to have hot meals at lunchtime. Children who have hot school meals can still sit with friends who may have packed lunches.
Universal Free School Meals
All children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) that are Government funded. The vast majority of our infant children have the free meals. Taking up these hot meals will save you around £400 per child compared to a packed lunch and is better for your child. All meals meet the "Food in School" guidelines.
Free School Meals
Some children are eligible for Free School Meals in Key Stage Two. If you are in receipt of any of these benefits below your child may be eligible for Free School Meals.
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190 and do not get working tax credit.
Please note: If you, or your partner, receive any working tax credits you will not be entitled to free school meals.
If you wish to apply, in confidence, for Free School Meals you can either:
Paid Meals
Hot meals for children in Key Stage Two (Y3,4,5,6) usually cost just £2.40 per meal.
Ordering Hot Meals
Ordering a meal is easy using our on-line ordering system. If you don't have access to a computer please contact the office who will place the order for you. You should have received a letter with your log in details to enable you to order. If you don't have your log in details please contact us and we will happily supply you with them.
All meals need to be ordered on the preceding Monday to the food being served. E.G Orders for Monday 21st of September will need to be placed by Monday 14th of September. Please note that we are not able to take late order as stock orders are done in advance.
To order a meal just click here.
Allergy and Intolerance Information
On the 13th December 2014 a new legislation called Food for Consumers Regulations (EU FIC) came into force. This legislation affects all businesses who serve or sell food. Below you can find the allergens that can be found in our menus. If your child is allergic to any of the allergens in the menus please contact us so we can discuss how we can accommodate this.
September 2019 Menu (3 week cycle)
September 2019 Allergen List
Autumn Term 2019 Menu (3 Week Cycle)
Autumn Term 2019 Allergen List
Summer Term 2019 Menu (3 Week Cycle)
Summer Term 2019 Allergen List
Further information about the EU FIC can be found on the Food Standards Agency website.
Term Dates
2019-2020 Term Dates
Term 1 - September 4th 2019 to October 18th 2019
Term 2 - October 29th 2019 to December 19th 2019
Term 3 - January 6th 2020 to February 13th 2020
Term 4 - February 24th 2020 to April 2nd 2020
Term 5 - April 20th 2020 to May 22nd 2020
Term 6 - June 1st 2020 to July 21st 2020
Please note that the school cannot authorise holidays in term time. Please see our "Ensuring Excellent Attendance Policy" (below) for more information on the exceptional circumstances when children can be permitted to be out of school.
At Market Rasen Church of England Primary School we are used to supporting children with a wide range of Special needs and disabilities. If you would like to speak to our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator about your child please contact Mrs Lianne McGagh.
We have prepared a document called the SEND Information Report (formally called the Local Offer) which will give you a lot of information about what you should do if you feel your child has any form of special needs.
Pleae click here for SEND Policies and the SEND Information Report
Information about the changes to SEND made in September 2014 can be found here.
School Handbook
The school handbook gives parents important information about the school day. To review this, click on this link to go to the home page, scroll down to find useful information and choose then school handbook drop down.
Keeping children safe in school is a key priority at Market Rasen Church of England Primary School.
Staff receive training in the following areas to ensure the safety of all children:
- First Aid
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- E Safety
- Positive Handling (Team Teach)
- Prevent (Extremism)
- Specific Medical Conditions (Epi Pen/Asthma)
- Grief and Loss
- Domestic Violence
Some staff receive enhanced training in areas such as
- Self Harm and Suicide
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Paediatric First Aid
- Health and Safety
- Safer Recruitment
- Early Help Process
- Food Hygiene
The designated safeguarding lead is Mr Andrew Smith.
The deputy designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Nichola Allerston.
The number for Lincolnshire Children's Services is 01555 782111
The number for Lincolnshire County Council Whistleblowing 0800 0853716

We have a number of policies in school that are periodically reviewed by the Governing Body. Some of the most important school policies are below for you to download. If there is a policy you would like that is not listed here then please ask at the school office. Paper copies of all policies are availiable upon request free of charge.