
These pages are designed to be useful for parents whose children attend our school. If any information you need is not listed below please get in touch with the school office.

Please follow this link to our event calendar   Event Calendar


Letters Home

As much as possible we communicate with parents using the Wisepay platform.  Any important letters we have sent out can also be found by clicking on the link below.


Term Dates



Term 1 – Wednesday 6th September 2023 – Friday 20th October 2023

Term 2 – Tuesday 31st October 2023 – Wednesday 20th December 2023

Term 3 – Wednesday 3rd January 2024 – Friday 9th February 2024

Term 4 – Monday 19th February 2024 – Thursday 28th March 2024

Term 5 – Tuesday 16th April 2024 – Friday 24th May 2024

Term 6 – Monday 3rd June 2024 – Friday 19th July 2024



Term 1 - Wednesday 4th September 2024- Friday 18th October 2024

Term 2- Tuesday 29th October 2024-Thursday 19th December 2024

Term 3- Monday 6th January 2025 - Friday 14th February 2025

Term 4- Monday 24th February 2025-Friday 4th April 2025

Term 5- Wednesday 23rd April 2025 - Friday 23rd May 2025

Term 6- Monday 2nd June 2025 - Tuesday 22nd July 2025



Term 1: Thursday 4th September 2025 – Thursday 23rd October 2025

Term 2: Monday 3rd November 2025 – Friday 19th December 2025

Term 3: Tuesday 6th January 2026 – Friday 13th February 2026

Term 4: Monday 23rd February 2026 – Thursday 2nd April 2026

Term 5: Tuesday 21st April 2026 – Friday 22nd May 2026

Term 6: Monday 1st June 2026 – Wednesday 22nd July 2026


Term dates in advance of these can be found on the Lincolnshire County Council Website. LCC Term Dates Link


Excellent attendance is school is essential to ensure your child makes excellent progress. Please note that we cannot authorise absence except in extraordinary circumstances.  To  read our attendance policy please follow the link below.

Attendance Policy


Information Leaflets For Parents

What is bullying and how do we prevent it?



Keeping children safe in school is a key priority at Market Rasen Church of England Primary School. 

Staff receive training in the following areas to ensure the safety of all children:

  • First Aid
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding
  • E Safety
  • Positive Handling (Team Teach)
  • Prevent  (Extremism)
  • Specific Medical Conditions (Epi Pen/Asthma)
  • Grief and Loss
  • Domestic Violence

Some staff receive enhanced training in areas such as

  • Self Harm and Suicide
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Paediatric First Aid
  • Health and Safety 
  • Safer Recruitment
  • Early Help Process
  • Food Hygiene

The designated safeguarding lead is Mr Andrew Smith. 

The deputy designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Nichola Allerston.

The number for Lincolnshire Children's Services is 01522 782111

The number for Lincolnshire County Council Whistleblowing 0800 0853716


Operation Encompass

We are an Operation Encompass school. What this means is that if police attend a domestic abuse or domestic violence situation they will inform the school so we can support the child the next day in our setting. For more information on Operation Encompass click on the link below.


Special Educational Needs And/Or Disabilities (SEND)

At Market Rasen Church of England Primary School we are used to supporting children with a wide range of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. If you would like to speak to our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator about your child please contact Mrs Jessica Hardiment. (

Pupils with Special Needs usually follow the same curriculum as everyone else however adaptions are sometimes made to enable them to make excellent proogress from their starting point. These adaptations may be adult support, pre learning, over learning, precision teaching, different recording methods or intervention.

When children access intervention, on rare occasions, this may take them away from other learning. The statement below outlines our rationale for this.

SEND Pupils Full Access To The Curriculum Statement 

We have prepared a document called the SEND Information Report (formally called the Local Offer) which will give you a lot of information about what you should do if you feel your child has any form of special needs.

Please click here for SEND Policies and the SEND Information Report

Information about the changes to SEND made in September 2014 can be found by following the link below. 

2014 SEND Changes

Information about the Lincolnshire Local SEND Offer can be found here.

Lincolnshire Local Offer



We have a number of policies in school that are periodically reviewed by the Governing Body. Some of the most important school policies are below for you to download. If there is a policy you would like that is not listed here then please ask at the school office. Paper copies of all policies are available upon request, free of charge.

Our Address

Market Rasen C of E Primary School
Mill Road
Market Rasen
T: (01673) 842395

Connect with us